Social movements are a broad social alliance of people connected through communal interests that can block or influence social changes. Modern social movements have become possible through expanding the spread of culture and increasing labor movement due to the industrialization of society. Organized social structures such as modern military, political and public movements demanded freedom, education, and relative economic independence. Social movements can target changes in individual dimensions or broader groups or changes in society. Social movements can also seek minor changes or drastic changes. There are various theories to explain how these social movements work. First of all, the deprivation theory is more likely to organize a social movement to improve the status of individuals whose social movements lack comfort. Second, the mass social theory gives a sense of entitlement and provides a sense of belonging. Third, the structural transformation theory proposes factors conducive to promoting development of social movements and embraces social and structural variants for the fundamental motivation of social movements. Fourthly, the theory of resource mobilization emphasizes the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements. The theory argues that a social movement develops when a dissatisfied individual can mobilize sufficient resources to act. Fifth, the political process theory highlights the different components of social structure, namely, political opportunities that are important to develop social movements. The theory says resistance, organizing, and political opportunities are important factors in shaping social movements. Finally, cultural theories emphasize the importance of moving culture and try to solve free Ryder problems. The theory argues that social movements should develop an unfair framework to successfully mobilize individuals.
2.What was the most interesting thing you have read?
It was very interesting that there was a wide variety of social movements in modern society. Giddens identified four areas where social movements operate in modern societies, and there is a democratic movement that works for political rights. And there is an ecology movement related to the labor movement and the environment working for the job control. There is also a peace movement. There are also various social movements, civil rights movement, green movement, gay movements, anti-globalization campaigns, nationalist movements, nationalist movements, and anti-nuclear movements.
3.Dicussion question
Is there any social movement that you are participating in? What kind of social movements are there, and what factors are needed to activate social movements? What kind of social movement does the society contribute to society and can it succeed? If you don't have a social movement, can you say it's a free rider who uses other people's social movements and uses other people's social movements?
Social movements are a broad social alliance of people connected through communal interests that can block or influence social changes. Modern social movements have become possible through expanding the spread of culture and increasing labor movement due to the industrialization of society. Organized social structures such as modern military, political and public movements demanded freedom, education, and relative economic independence. Social movements can target changes in individual dimensions or broader groups or changes in society. Social movements can also seek minor changes or drastic changes. There are various theories to explain how these social movements work. First of all, the deprivation theory is more likely to organize a social movement to improve the status of individuals whose social movements lack comfort. Second, the mass social theory gives a sense of entitlement and provides a sense of belonging. Third, the structural transformation theory proposes factors conducive to promoting development of social movements and embraces social and structural variants for the fundamental motivation of social movements. Fourthly, the theory of resource mobilization emphasizes the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements. The theory argues that a social movement develops when a dissatisfied individual can mobilize sufficient resources to act. Fifth, the political process theory highlights the different components of social structure, namely, political opportunities that are important to develop social movements. The theory says resistance, organizing, and political opportunities are important factors in shaping social movements. Finally, cultural theories emphasize the importance of moving culture and try to solve free Ryder problems. The theory argues that social movements should develop an unfair framework to successfully mobilize individuals.
2.What was the most interesting thing you have read?
It was very interesting that there was a wide variety of social movements in modern society. Giddens identified four areas where social movements operate in modern societies, and there is a democratic movement that works for political rights. And there is an ecology movement related to the labor movement and the environment working for the job control. There is also a peace movement. There are also various social movements, civil rights movement, green movement, gay movements, anti-globalization campaigns, nationalist movements, nationalist movements, and anti-nuclear movements.
3.Dicussion question
Is there any social movement that you are participating in? What kind of social movements are there, and what factors are needed to activate social movements? What kind of social movement does the society contribute to society and can it succeed? If you don't have a social movement, can you say it's a free rider who uses other people's social movements and uses other people's social movements?
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