b) http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Sociology/Social_Movements
1. Summary
This text tell us about social movements. Social movements are a broad of social alliances of people who want to influence on or block social change. There are differences between social movements and SMOs. Social movements can trigger counter movements. This script also explains about types, stages of social movements that can help us to understand social movements deeply. At the end of this article, it explains various theories of social movements.
Deprivation theory : It argues that social movements have their foundations among those who are feel deprived of goods or resources.
Mass-Society theory : It argues that social movements are composed of individuals of large societies who feel unimportant or socially separated.
Structural-Strain theory : This theory is subordinate to circular logic because it at least partly integrates and deprives deprivation theory and partly accommodates social and structural transformations for the fundamental motivation of social movements.
Resource-Mobilization theory : It emphasize the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements.
Political Process theory : This is similar in many respects to the resource-mobilization theory, it tends to emphasize important political opportunities in the development of social movements.
Culture theory : It builds upon both the political process theory and resource-mobilization theory, however, it expands them in two ways; it emphasizes the importance of movement culture, attempts to address their free-rider problem.
2. What was interesting
It was so interesting that social movements could trigger counter movements. Until I saw or heard the case, I could not predict it at all. It was also interesting that there are so many social movements theories. I did not fully understand the theories described in the text, but I could see that social movements could happen without any reason, but with various factors.
3. Discussion point
Social movements have existed for a long time, and social movements have failed or succeeded, leading to good or bad results in our society. In other words, social movements bring not only good results but also bad results. If so, is it necessary for social movement in our society today? I want to hear your answer about it.
1. Summary
This text tell us about social movements. Social movements are a broad of social alliances of people who want to influence on or block social change. There are differences between social movements and SMOs. Social movements can trigger counter movements. This script also explains about types, stages of social movements that can help us to understand social movements deeply. At the end of this article, it explains various theories of social movements.
Deprivation theory : It argues that social movements have their foundations among those who are feel deprived of goods or resources.
Mass-Society theory : It argues that social movements are composed of individuals of large societies who feel unimportant or socially separated.
Structural-Strain theory : This theory is subordinate to circular logic because it at least partly integrates and deprives deprivation theory and partly accommodates social and structural transformations for the fundamental motivation of social movements.
Resource-Mobilization theory : It emphasize the importance of resources in the development and success of social movements.
Political Process theory : This is similar in many respects to the resource-mobilization theory, it tends to emphasize important political opportunities in the development of social movements.
Culture theory : It builds upon both the political process theory and resource-mobilization theory, however, it expands them in two ways; it emphasizes the importance of movement culture, attempts to address their free-rider problem.
2. What was interesting
It was so interesting that social movements could trigger counter movements. Until I saw or heard the case, I could not predict it at all. It was also interesting that there are so many social movements theories. I did not fully understand the theories described in the text, but I could see that social movements could happen without any reason, but with various factors.
3. Discussion point
Social movements have existed for a long time, and social movements have failed or succeeded, leading to good or bad results in our society. In other words, social movements bring not only good results but also bad results. If so, is it necessary for social movement in our society today? I want to hear your answer about it.
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