In the theory of economic conflicts, Marx divides the class into proletariat and bourgeois.
*Proletariant;proletarian classes,The proletariat means wage earners who dependent on labor because they have no property.
*Bourgeois;It is a capitalist class possessing resources, land, and tools to produce goods.They exploit proletaria by paying less wages than the value of workers labor.
But are these divided classes valid even in modern societies?
For example, there is a clerk for a firm who is annual salary.
For example, there is a clerk for a firm who is annual salary.
He has earned a huge amount of money who is a mere employee of a company, but failed to produce the means of production.
On the other hand, there is a convenience store owner.
He earns only two million won a month by using the convenience store as a means of production.
He earns only two million won a month by using the convenience store as a means of production.
Although a clerk for a firm has no means of production, He leads a wealthy life. However the owner has means of production,but he suffer from hardships.
In this case, can a clerk for a firm be called "Proletaria" and can the owner of the convenience store be called "Bourgeios"?
Through the above, we see that the definition of classes presented by classical economic conflicts is not valid for modern times.
Nevertheless, conflict theories are important in today's sociological studies because they focus on social conflicts beyond class conflict.
Although the theory of class and class conflict has lost persuasive powers in modern complex social structures, conflict is still happening.
Several modern sociologists, including Dahrendorf, have noticed conflicts between individuals and groups pursuing different interests.
And today, there is no conflict between stereotyped subject like the class, but there is a conflict between the subject that is flexible depending on the situations.
Although the theory of class and class conflict has lost persuasive powers in modern complex social structures, conflict is still happening.
Several modern sociologists, including Dahrendorf, have noticed conflicts between individuals and groups pursuing different interests.
And today, there is no conflict between stereotyped subject like the class, but there is a conflict between the subject that is flexible depending on the situations.
Finally,Through this,the class has a strong relationship with conflict theory,but the notion that the class will lead to conflict soon proved wrong.
So i think we need to better understand these concepts.
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So i think we need to better understand these concepts.
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