Introduction to Sociology/Socialization/Geonwoo Lee


This text explains socialization. First, socialization is simply the process of preparing people to fulfill their roles in social life. Socialization can be divided into several. First, we divide into primary socialization and secondary socialization. Primary socialization occurs during childhood and creates a core identity for the individual. Second socialization takes place throughout life and affects the concrete changes in identity created earlier. Another category is broad socialization and narrow socialization. The former is to promote independence and self-expression, the latter to promote obedience and compliance. Then, in order to explain the importance of socialization, we must observe how we spend our childhood. If you do not learn social skills properly through your socialization process in your childhood, you will not be able to play the role of a normal social member as you grow up.


I was interested in total institution in this text. The total institution aims at resocialization, so it breaks the life gained through socialization in the past. Then, through secondary socialization, the institution creates the individual that it wants. The most interesting part is that there is another society in the institution. There is oppressive discipline for the secondary socialization, and the fact that it accepts it is also interesting.


As I said before, the total institution aims at resocialization. Examples of these total institutions are mental hospitals and military. Both institutions have hierarchical order, are not empowered to wear clothes freely, and the life of the individual they had before entering the institution can not but change. But is there no such oppressive way to achieve the institutional goals? Closer and disciplined disciplines are only going to get worse over time. In order to do that, I wonder if there are other alternatives.
