How can we explain the increase in the female college student ratio in Korea?/Jeong-Ho Moon

한국 남녀 대학 진학률에 대한 이미지 검색결과

(Korea College and University College Entrance Rate by Year)
(Source: National Statistical Office 'Social Index of Korea in 2014')

According to the above graph, the ratio of male and female college graduates was less than 70% in 2000, but it increased sharply to more than 80% in 2005. This phenomenon seems to be the result of  decreased the number of people dropping out of college due to economic reasons and the result of spreading perception that graduating from college is essential for social success .
Until 2009, male university entrance rate is higher than female university entrance rate. Because of the preference for boys, the awareness of the importance of education for women was not high. However, the rate of women's enrollment has steadily increased to 82.4% in 2009, 0.8% p higher than that of men. This is an indicator of the rise in perceptions of women's education.

Strange: Since women's enrollment rates have increased, women have overtaken men, also women have overtaken men because of the decline in male enrollment rates.
Male college attendance has declined since 2005, declining sharply from 2010 to 2011 and steadily declining until 2014.
 Women also are not as rapid as men since 2009, but graduation rates in college gradually begin to decline.
I can not explain the decline in male university entrance rate from 2005 to 2009.
However, I believe that the reason for the decline in university enrollment rate after 2009 is the emergence of a specialized school called Meister High School.
 Meister High School is a work-oriented school with the intention of going to college after employment. In the beginning, most people were aiming to go to college in order to facilitate employment, so the emergence of Meister High School could be fascinating.
The number of university educators is decreasing because graduates from Meister High School go to work, not to college.

I think the rate of college admission dropped sharply between 2010 and 2011 as men and women responded to this school. The reason for the steady decline since 2011 is that the number of students looking for Meister High School has increased gradually because of the good results of the employment.

The reason why the gap between male and female college attendance rate has been increasing since 2009 is because of the high percentage of male students entering Meister High School. Most of Meister's high school graduates work in machines, which has helped to increase the male ratio of meister highs. Because men prefer machines more than women.

