Introduction to Sociology/Collective behavior/shin min kyung


Collective behavior does not reflect existing social structures (laws, conventions, and institutions) but is a social process and event that appears in a ' voluntary ' manner. Collective behavior includes deviant behaviors. Examples of collective behavior include various kinds such as religious gatherings, environment and rumors.
There are three aspects of collective behaviors.
In summary, collective behavior involves social interaction and groups tend to be together longer. Also, there is no clear social boundary for collective behavior and everyone can be a member.
Social studies conducted by sociologists often include acts such as rumors, riots, trends, and trends.
The importance of research on collective behaviour is in practical terms.
A crowd is a set of people who share purpose and intention. The crowd is common in modern life. Most of them come from sports events, concerts, etc. These crowd behavior become mob when they get certain goals. Violent mob behavior without concrete goals is a riot. Rebellion is an act of expressing general dissatisfaction. Riots are a form of civil disturbance, violent violence and vandalism. Riots often arise from responses to complaints that existed or disagree. Historically, rioting erupted in frustration of complaint brought up to government branch.
The infectitious theory refers to crowd have an effect of hyponisis to their members. This combined with anonymity, causing irrational and emotional behavior for many people. The crowd's enthusiasm is like a highly contagious disease.
The convergence theory argues that the actions of the masses are the result of people with the same mindset. If the crowd act violently, it is not because the crowd wants to encourage violence, but people who want to indulge in violence have mixed feelings among the crowd. The main criticism of convergence theory is that some people tend to do what they do not do by themselves. Since the crowd has anonymity, individuals in the crowd can do something abnormal.
Most of the rallies are temporary. Once people get together, individuals who already know each other tend to stay with the whole group.
Panic is a sudden fear that governs people's thoughts or affects a group of people. Panic usually occurs in disaster situations. Moral panic is a public movement based on the perception that a person, group, and minority groups pose a threat to society. This usually begins with media reports on social issues. It often involves mass hysteria. Moral panic is usually expressed in anger rather than fear.


Last winter, we held a nationwide protest urging government reforms. Up to one million gathered in Gwanghwamun yelled out to president step down. Most of the rallies were conducted democratically and peacefully. But there is a memorable event. One man went up on a police bus and created a riot. The man was very violent. The protests, which have been stable without a hitch, cooled down in that moment. It was a crisis that his emotions could turn crowd to violent. However, it was not police or solider to bring him down, it was crowd at there.
In Wikipedia's writings, the riot originated in the disorder of the citizens. The man acted abnormal with anonymity as an individual in crowd, but it did not end up as a riot because the citizens kept quiet and maintained order.


Social crisis begins with the media reporting about social problems. The role of the media is to communicate social issues accurately and quickly to the masses. A small stir in the media caused a huge stir. We've seen plenty of cases. How do you think the media is cause of panic? Can you judge the value of the media's role?


  1. I think the media can cause panic. Through our studies with the ism team you and I were in, we have identified that the media can affect people's psychology.
    So, as you said, It is important for the media to inform people accurately and quickly, not to inform false information or inflate information.

    1. Agree with you. Additionally, I think undisciplined SNS postings are cause of panic too. Those postings are based on groundless facts and also users used to add some lies from themselves.


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